
Upper volta was ruled
Upper volta was ruled

upper volta was ruled

Although it promised to transition the country to civilian rule and provide a new constitution, the Ouédraogo regime banned all political organizations, including opposition parties. Jean-Baptiste Ouédraogo and the Council of Popular Salvation (CSP- Conseil du salut du peuple). Zerbo’s government was overthrown by Maj. Lamizana stayed in power until November 1980 when the military overthrew the government and installed Col. Sangoulé Lamizana and a collection of military elites took control of the government and subsequently dissolved the National Assembly as well as suspended the constitution.

upper volta was ruled

Shortly after assuming power, Yaméogo banned all political opposition, forcing mass riots and demonstrations that only came to an end after the military intervened in 1966. At independence on August 5, 1960, Maurice Yaméogo, leader of the Voltaic Democratic Union (Union démocratique voltaïque), became the country’s first president. The West African country has been plagued by dictators, autocracies and coups in the past. In Ouagadougou on Wednesday, citizens angry over the possibility that parliament might make it possible for Campaoré to stay in power indefinitely set fire to the parliament and forced legislators to postpone the vote that had been set for Thursday, Octoto decide the constitutional issue. Allowing him to run for election in November 2015 could extend his reign for another five years. This vote is extremely controversial: Current President Blaise Compaoré, who came to power in a coup in 1987, has ruled the country for 27 years. A vote was planned for Thursday, on whether to extend the current limit of two terms to three. He was born December 5, 1922, in Cincinnati, OH.On Tuesday, October 28, 2014, tens of thousands of citizens of Burkina Faso gathered in its capital city, Ouagadougou, and its second biggest city, Bobo Dioulasso, to protest proposed changes to its constitution regarding term limits. His foreign languages are Spanish and French.

upper volta was ruled

He attended Akron University in 1940 - 1941. Neher graduated from Bowling Green State University (B.A., 1948) and the University of Chicago (M.A., 1952). Since 1982 he has been Director of the Office of Analysis for Africa. In the Department he was Staff Director of the Board of Examiners for the Foreign Service (1979 - 1981), Inspector in the Office of the Inspector General (1981), and Deputy Director of the Office of Analysis for Africa (1981). In 1977 - 1979 he was on detail to the Environmental Protection Agency as assistant for plans and policies. He was principal officer in Lubumbashi (1970 - 1972), deputy chief of mission in N'Djamena (1972 - 1974), and counselor for political affairs in Santo Domingo (1974 - 1977). He was on detail to the Department of Defense as assistant, foreign military rights affairs, international security affairs, in 1968 - 1970. In 1966 - 1968 he was arms policy officer in the Bureau of Political-Military Affairs in the Department. He was economic and political officer in Tangier (1957 - 1961), commercial officer in Saigon (1962 - 1964) and in Damascus (1964 - 1968).

upper volta was ruled

In 1954 he entered the Foreign Service as consular officer in Ankara. He was a personnel technician at the Department of the Navy in 1952 - 1954. He would succeed Julius Waring Walker, Jr. The President today announced his intention to nominate Leonardo Neher, of Maryland, a career member of the Senior Foreign Service, Class of Counselor, as Ambassador to the Republic of Upper Volta.

Upper volta was ruled